Friday, December 28, 2007

Technique to solve Logic Quiz

Try this quiz during the new year holidays.

The original quiz is purported to be created by Einstein. Only 2% of the population could solve it. Most visitors to my blog (like you) probably belong to the 2%.

You can read the quiz in this webpage:

Click on "Technique" at the bottom of that page, to learn the steps on how to solve the quiz.

There you are. You now belong to the 2%.

After that, you can try more quizzes here:


  1. Mr Tan, thank you for teaching this technique.

    I found this quiz to be very difficult at the beginning. After going through the technique, I now how to approach it.

    I am starting to enjoying solving the quiz. Each new quiz is a challenge.

    I like it as much as Logic9 or Sudoku.

  2. Hi Mr Tan,
    I fought the temptation to read your technique before solving the quiz.

    I'm surprised that our methods are similar. Maybe this is the easiest way to solve the quiz.

    Of course, got the same answer as you did. =)

