Saturday, December 15, 2007

Traditional Chinese treatment

Recently, I visited a Chung Hwa Medical Center in Toa Payoh to get traditional Chinese treatment to reduce my uric acid.

There were many patients using the medical center. The operation was carried out efficiently, with short waiting time .

Each doctor in a consultation room is able to see a few patients within a time slot. There are a few beds in the consultation room for patients to be treated by acupunture, which lasted 15 minutes. The beds are shielded by a curtain for privacy.

Due to their high productivity of the doctor, the charges are low. I was charged only $12 for the acupunture and two types of medication.

It is possible to bring down cost by operating efficiently. I hope that this high efficiency and low cost can be propogated to other medical centers.

I wish to recommend people to try traditional Chinese treatment for some chronic medical conditions.


  1. Mr Tan,

    Who are the medical charges so low? Is the medical center financed by donations?

  2. It used to be even lower. It used to cost just four dollars for everything. Then a few years ago they raised it to eight dollars plus a charge for medication. There are even places that charge just two dollars for everything. Two years ago I was admitted to hospital for dengue fever and after a week's stay was discharged. I suffer from chronic fatigue Immune dysfunction for about a month till I decided to seek treatment at this clinic. Just two visits and I recovered my strength. It goes to show that one need not pay a lot for good health care.
