Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Feeder Services

Dear Mr. Tan,

Earlier, I preferred to have direct bus services. After reading your arguments, I agree that it may be more efficient to have feeder services to bring passengers to the MRT station, provided that the waiting time is short.

However, I have to point out that some feeder services take a long detour before reaching my flat. This is unaccepable. I do not wish to spend time on a long journey.


I agree with you. Each feeder service should serve a section of the town and bring the commuters directly to the MRT station or town center. Each town should have two to four feeder services. We may have to use small buses, like the light buses in Hong Kong.


  1. Yes, our feeder services are indeed inefficient. They even come in bendy buses, two buses in one. How stupid, for a feeder service they need two buses at one time taking up space on the roads in order to go round an estate. The bus 800 is an example in Yishun. Sometimes I wonder who are the decision makers who are getting fat bonuses to make such stupid decisions that many can see.

  2. And these bendy buses make hell of a lot of noise. Every time they pick up speed, the tires screech like no body's business. Can you imagine hearing those screeches every few minutes or so? I live right behind a bus stop and I know how it is like. Its Hell here. The vibration is a killer too.. Noise pollution will be a big problem if these bendy buses continue to ply our roads all over Sp.
