Sunday, January 20, 2008

How to get started in investing

Dear Mr. Tan,

Thank you for providing this wonderful resource and for making investment and insurance products so much easier to understand.

Now I am very keen to get my money to work harder. The question is, can you please teach me how to get started? How do I buy a unit trust or an indexed fund?


You can read the FAQ in my website,

1 comment:

  1. First look for an honest and competent adviser in this field.Don't get an insurance agent. If you do, you can forget about achieving your goals.
    The safest place to look for one is at . Register as a member and access to a list of planners.The planners are regulated. Any professional misconduct by planners can land them in trouble. The planners have to comply with the 6 step practice and abide by the code of ethics.
    Although there is no guarantee but it is about the safest place than those soliciting on the streets you don't even know who they are. They could be wolves and vixen in sheep's clothings.
    Of course don't jump on the first that comes along. Remember to ask a lot of questions. Do your due diligence if you are serious about the success of your investment.
    All the best to you.
