Saturday, January 05, 2008

Impression of Taiwan

I have now returned to Singapore, after spending 12 days in Taiwan. This is the longest holiday that I have taken.

My impression of Taiwan is favourable. I like the following:

1. The MRT system and taxi service
2. Taipei 101 and the nearby buildings
3. Politeness and helpfulness of the people
4. Food and snacks
5. Hot spring and spas


  1. same here...i love their food,especially the street stalls at shi lin ye shi.

  2. This is the first time I visit your blog. I enjoy your articles and comments. With 30 years of experience in insurance industry, I am glad you openly share with us your views and tips.

    Very surprise to know that 12 days of vacation in Taiwan was the longest holiday you ever had. I think you were working too hard and forget to enjoy yourself. Wishing you spend more time for yourself and family.

    We, my family and I, visied Taiwan last year and we like the places very much too. Beside Taipei we self-drive all the way to Hualian, Taitong and Taizhong along the east coast shore. Taipei is a well developed city, out of Taipei will give us a better understanding of Taiwan as a whole...and I think you will enjoy the country folks and the beautiful scene too. Cheers!
