Sunday, January 06, 2008

Low cost Personal Accident

You should buy a Personal Accident insurance to cover 5 years of your income. If you earn $30,000 a year, you can insure for $150,000.

This policy will cover death and permanent disability caused by accidents, as follows:

a) Amount payable on death: $150,000
b) Double indemnity under certain circumstances: $300,000
c) Permanent disablement: depending on extent of disability, up to $150,000
d) Temporary Disablement: $150 a day, up to 104 weeks
e) Medical Expenses: up to a specified amount for any one accident
f) Emergency Evacuation and Repatriation

An accident is usually defined as being caused by an external, violent, unexpected event. This is intended to exclude claims for illness or poor health.

The standard policy will usually exclude pre-existing physical or mental defects,
pregnancy and childbirth, war risks, motorcycling, climbing or mountaineering necessitating ropes or guides, judo, karate and some hazardous sports. You can pay a higher premium rate to cover some of these risks.

The annual premium for a sum assured of $150,000 varies from $100 to $300, depending on your occupation and on the insuranced company that provide the insurance.

More details can be found at:

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