Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Public Transport Guide

The Public Transport Guide is sold in Popular Bookstores for $6.42. I wish to share this story on its usefulness.

I have to attend a 1 day event at Ulu Pandan CC today. I have the choice to drive there as I live quite far away. This means paying parking charges for 1 day.

I decided to try MRT but was not sure about how to get there. I looked at the Public Transport Guide and select page 6 (Queenstown). I guessed that the nearest MRT station was Buona Vista. Indeed it was. From there, the guide indicated that I could take bus 92 to my destination.

I found that the distance from the station to the destination. was quite short, so I have the option to walk the last leg.

The advantages of this Public Transport Guide are:

a) It also acts as a street directory
b) It is easy to locate he bus service
c) It is light and can be easily carried

I have suggested to LTA to display a map in each MRT station and bus stop showing the street directory and bus stops within 3 km. I hope that they will take my suggestion. It will be convenient for commuters who do not have the street directory with them.

Some people are not familiar with using a street directory. They can ask for advise from another person at the station or bus stop.


  1. For people who don't have the public transport guide. They can check online. Below is one of the example.


  2. Hope there will be a transport guide for PDAs soon.

    There are street directories, but not transport guide where bus numbers can be seen easily.

  3. I have some time ago given some suggestion and feedback to the LTA but recently when I tried to do so by going thru the LTA website but it seems the feedback form is not so intuitive and user friendly. Is there a better way to give feedback that perhaps should be given more prominence on LTA website in order to encourage more feedback and dialogues with the public?
