Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Revamp of Public Transport System

I like the key measures that have been decided for the revamp of the public transport system, which are:

1. The Land Transport Authority will take over the planning of the routes
2. A hub-and-spoke system will be adopted to reduce the number of bus routes
3. Competition will be introduced for the bus routes
4. The fare will depend on distance and not the number of transfers.
5. Priority will be given to bus lanes.

The current system, which has more direct bus services (with fewer transfers), has its weaknesses - as it is the cause of long waiting time, unreliable services, and overloading of certain services.

The hub-and-spoke system will lead to greater efficiency and better use of the resources and reduce the waiting time, travelling time and cost. I expect the feeder services to be frequent and comfortable.

I hope that the public will get use to more transfers under the hub-and-spoke system. As a user of public transport, I find the transfers to be acceptable.

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