Friday, January 04, 2008

Road names in Taipei

I observed some good features in naming of roads in Taipei:

1. Long roads are identified by sections, such as Zhongxiao E Rd Sec 1, Zhongxia E Rd Sec 2, etc. It is easy to locate an address according to the section of the road.

2 Lanes are identified by reference to the road, eg Yanji St Lane 1, Yanji St Rd Lane 2.

3. The names of Road, Street and Lane in a consistent manner to identify different sizes of roads.

It is useful to adopt these principles in the naming of roads in Singapore. I find the naming of roads in the new towns to be rather inconsistent. The name Avenue, Road and Street are being used for similar size of roads.

1 comment:

  1. Things got worse when English names are given to HDB estates.

