Thursday, January 24, 2008

A taxi without a driver?

How do you like to use a taxi that is automatic, and does not have a driver?

This is possible under the PAT (personal automated transport). The vehicle appears on your call and takes you to your destination (entered into the control panel). It moves along elevated guideways and does not require a driver.

The PAT is similar to the unmanned LRT (light rail transport). The LRT operates on fixed routes and schedule, like a bus. The PAT is like a taxi.

The PAT is now being developed for London Heathrow Airport. It is called ULTra (urban light transport). If successful, we can expect it to be implemented in other cities.

It is costly to set up the infrastructure for a PAT system, but it is less costly than a LRT or MRT line. The operating cost of a PAT should be lower than a taxi, as it does not require a driver. The system can be operated efficiently, as it does not have to cope with taxi drivers trying trying to compete for business.

You pay for the use of the PAT using an electronic card, such as ez-Link. It is similar to paying for the fare for a LRT ride. The fare is paid at the vehicle.


  1. Wait ! Does that mean the commuter does not need to pay taxi fare - since there is no driver to collect the money.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. I met some lecturers in engineering a polytechnic. I explained the concept of the PAT to them.

    They said, "This is do-able. It is a good idea. Why not bring this to the attention of the Minister for Transport?"

    They are keep to set up a project to study this system in more detail.

  4. A taxi without a driver?

    NTUC Car Coop is more like it.

  5. is it possible ? can a AI technology handle this? what if some car come across? only airopanes are automatic driven but they still nAir Charterseed pilots for landing or to handle circumstances.
