Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Boosting the US economy

The US Government intends to spend USD 150 billion to boost the economy. President Bush and the Republicans like most of the money to be given as tax rebates in the hands of tax payers to spend. The Democrats prefer the money to be spent by the Government to benefit the people.

Which is better?

Surveys have shown that most people will not spend the tax rebate. Instead, they will keep it as their savings. This will not have the impact of boosting the economy.

The Republications argued that individuals know how to spend their money. They do not like other people, such as the Government, to decide how to spend the money.

Generally, I prefer the Democrat's approach. Certain expenditure have to be decided by the Government, e.g. invest in infrastructure, welfare for the poor, or to boost the economy. This is more likely to be effective, compared to leaving it "to the market".

1 comment:

  1. The economy needs a quick fix. In the hands of the people consumption can be immediately increased. This gives the economy fast stimulation. The other way is slower.
