Wednesday, February 06, 2008

High cost Endowment Policy - Views

Mr. Tan,

Is it possible for an insurance company to offer an endowment policy with low expense charge, so that the return can be 4% or better? I do not mind giving some of the return, as long as it is reasonable, and i still get a good return.

It is possible for an insurance company to design an endowment plan that offers a higher return. The customer has to buy this plan directly from the insurance company, as the insurance agent will not sell it, due to low commission. So far, I am not aware of any insurance company willing to offer this "low cost" endowment plan.

Mr. Tan,
I have been studying your figures closely. If I save $500 over 20 years, my total saving is $120,000. the return based on $198,000 is $78,000. If the charges take away $45,000, then I am left with a return of only $33,000. Why should the charges take away nearly 60% of my hard earned return for 20 years?

It is correct that the high charges take away more than 50% of the return that you can earn over the next 20 years. It is better to invest in a low cost product, so that most of the return will go back to you. For life insurance protection, you can buy a separate, low cost Term insurance plan.

Mr Tan,
Where can I get yield of 5% if I save $500 a month?

If you are investing for the next 20 years, it is likely that you will get a return of 5% per annum on an investment fund. The gross return on the life insurance fund should also give you 5% per annum (my estimate), before deducting expenses.

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