Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Invest CPF ordinary account in STI ETF

Mr. Tan,
What is an easy way to invest CPF ordinary account in the STI ETF?


From CPF website: The CPF Investment Scheme (CPFIS) gives members the opportunity to invest their CPF savings to enhance their retirement funds. Members may invest all available balance in their Ordinary Account (OA) and Special Account (SA) in professionally-managed products such as fixed deposits (FDs), Singapore Government bonds and treasury bills, Statutory Board bonds, annuities, endowment insurance policies, investment-linked insurance products (ILPs), unit trusts, and exchange traded funds (ETFs).

How to invest?
1) Open a CPF Investment account with any Major 4 Banks (Bring CPFstatement & IC)
2) Check CPF the amount can be invested.
3) Open an acct with the Broking House ( If you do not have one )
4) Instruct Remisier/Dealer to Buy under CPF

You can also refer to this website to see the service provided by UOB:

And DollarDex

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