Sunday, February 03, 2008

Medishield and Eldershield

Dear Mr. Tan,

What is the difference between MediShield and Eldershield? For an individual at the age of 50, does it make sense to insure to the maximum in these two plan?


Medishield pays for most of the hospital expenses above a certain sum.

Eldershield pays a monthly income of $400 for a period of up to 72 months, if the insured is incapacited to an extent that he or she is not able to carry out several activities that are needed for daily living. This benefits helps to pay part of the cost of nursing care.

It is better to insure for the basic coverage. Do not over-insure, as you will be paying a higher premium. You need to keep some of your savings to meet the higher premiums when you grow older.

1 comment:

  1. Mr Tan, if I already have insurance coverage for TPD, am I right to say that then I dont need Eldershield? I am considering opting out and would like to hear your view.
