Thursday, March 06, 2008

Finance Your Passion Workshop

Winston Ng approached me to help them to market this workshop which is being conducted by his young company.

After speaking to him, I believe that his workshop may be of useful to the visitors to my blog. The workshop is for 2 full days and does cost a modest fee. If you attend, give your feedback to me.


The Finance Your Passion Workshops are created with the intention of teaching core Financial, Retirement and Protection Strategies to the masses at an affordable price. We are independent from any financial product company and neither endorse nor are against any products.

We teach the key "questions" that individuals should ask themselves before buying any product. The basic knowledge they need to know, rather than being blind-sided by all the sales gimmicks.

Our study of the best systems in the world found that Retirment Planning is a multi-faceted process that includes:

1) Increasing Earnings
2) Finding Your True Purpose in Life
3) Mastering Spending Patterns
4) Adequate Protection
5) Safe Investing
6) Charity Giving

In our Finance Your Passion Workshops, we teach all these to people at an affordable rate, so that when they approach their insurance advisors/ fund managers. They know the right questions to ask, rather than paying unnecessary hefty fees and worse still get biased advice.

During the workshop, they will also build their very own retirement plan - something which most singaporeans do not have!

More details can be found at:

They provide a series of reports on their website when you sign up for their free mailing list.


  1. I wouldn't attend this.. the price at $280 is too expensive.
    I would rather spend it on books that I can keep... like

    1) Ken Fisher - 3 qns that count
    2) Buffettology - Buffett
    3) Intelligent Investor - Benjamin Graham
    4) One up on Wall street - Lynch (Fidelity fund)
    5) Asset Allocation - Swensen (Yale Endowment Fund)

  2. But you may get the 'secrets' from the horse's mouth and that is worth more than money. Like the upcoming seminar on "second generation family wealth" in April at Shangrilla the 2 day seminar costs US$3500. Any taker?

  3. Hey Anonymous,

    Thank you for your great reading list! It is absolutely fantastic and you are right that every financial strategy in the world can be found in books!

    In fact, to save money, there's a great resource most people miss out. You can go to NLB and get them to reserve a book for you at only $1.55. Same service as bookstores, but at a 90% discount! Since most books only contain 10% of great points, it would be a waste to buy the whole book.

    I hope you have great fun reading the books, but if things seem overwhelming, you are always welcomed to our course. We do our magic to create 2 fun days where you get to learn plus take everything into Action!

    Risk Free, of course, with our money back guarantee.

    cheers and to your best financial future,


  4. I hope that more people will make the investment in money and time to attend this 2 day workshop.

    If you are better educated about financial matters, you will be able to save a few thousand dollars by buying the right financial products.

    In my blog, I can only give general advice and FAQs. I will not be able to explain the concepts as well as can be done in the workshop. You may find the workshop to be useful in making the matters clearer.

    $288 for a 2 day workshop is actually quite inexpensive, compared to many costly workshops. I hope that you will give it a try.

  5. Yes, I use the $1.50 NLB service frequently. Everytime I will try to reserve books that are new releases and good recommendations. Once I know that book is a must haves..I will wait for their soft-cover release which is much cheaper at $20-30 dollars.

    These are books to keep that you can re-read or just to remind yourself of your own investment conviction in uncertain times. It helps to know you are standing on the shoulders of giants..

    Anyway, I have always this lingering doubts about workshops promising to teach you to design your financial freedom and such. (Call me a skeptics but I only know the one who will reach financial freedom faster is the one who teaches it).

    1st) If someone don't know how to start and can't be bothered and instead choose to attend a workshop. He is likely to be slightly motivated but lazy to even do research on the subject matter.
    2nd) In this case, the workshop will be a make you feel good session for a week or 2..and the passion dies off.. coz he is refer to point 1...
    3rd) 10% of Great wisdom in a book is better than 100% of average wisdom in a seminar. (Or if we think about it the other way, if what is taught in seminars are wisdom found in books, wouldn't it be better to read and grasp the gist from giants)
    4th) My philosophy for financial independence or other how to guides:- We should learn from the giants.. people who have done it and achieved it before they are preaching how to do it.

    David(the guy who climb everest) is a speaker in motivation and peak performance. I can buy that since climbing everest really does required that ... But I would definitely be worried when he tells me how to get my finance in order.
