Sunday, March 23, 2008

Low cost insurance

Dear Sir,
I would like to register my interest for insurance planning. Over time, I have bought some policies mainly from insurers. I have also obtained assessment from independent advisor such as Provident.

However, I still would like to look around some cheap term insurance to further strengthen my coverage. If I have understood your message correctly, you are in the middle of setting an insurance operation. How could I proceed to learn more about your products?


If you want low cost insurance, you can contact the companies listed below:

Some future products, which I hope will be available in Singapore soon, are shown in:

1 comment:

  1. You have done the right by having your policies reviewed by an independent adviser.And did you find anything amiss with your policies?
    I ask becuase you are still looking for insurance to plug up some gaps.You should not be looking on your own without the "prescription" from the reviewer.This would tantamount to self medication.You may fall victim to an unscrupulous agent.
