Friday, March 21, 2008

Websites of large companies

The website of many large companies are a maze. It takes a long time to navigate through the website to find the relevant information.

Quite often, you will need an experience guide (from the helpdesk of the company) to take you through the website.

I wish to ask your your participation. Can you tell me which company has a good website that is easy to navigate?


  1. Apple - they are known for their user friendly and cool design.

  2. It's harder to suggest friendly website because they are often so intuitive, users don't even think about the navigation.

    On the other hand, I'm sure many of us can list websites that frustrate us!

    Unfortunately this isn't as positive, but the world works this way sometimes :)

  3. I believe the CPF Board has one of the best websites among government agencies.
