Tuesday, April 29, 2008

1309 visitors on April 29

1,309 people visited this blog on April 29. This is an increase of 30% over the last peak - which was below 1,000 visitors. My guess is that the bonus cut by NTUC Income contributed to this big jump.


  1. I think a lot of NTUC Income Consultants suddenly swamped to see your blog.

    I too, have received 2 emails from clients who suddenly tell me that they want to terminate their policies.

    When I tell them its not to their advantage, they tell me that TKL is more reliable than TSC.

    I hope the comments should not be too emotionally driven and lop-sided resulting in readers only read in negative light.

    Adrian Khiat

  2. I think you will see more traffic to you blog, especially when you are a regular contributor to TOC.

    TOC is a widely read blog and you can get a lot more exposure there and reach more people.

    All the best!


  3. Dear adrain,
    the blog is base on facts, and the comments is not emotional at all. Why ntuc policeholder is so upset is because the management is too harsh on reduce annual bonus. we are educated. More to come and we need to stand our rights firmly.

  4. Adrian,
    What they tell you is true. We policyholders are not stupid. The true character of your leader is showing. In the past, some agents dislike the previous CEO because they see their livelihood threatened. We policyholders see the previous CEO to be giving policyholders good value and the agents failed to see that when more and more policyholders see value, they will recommend more and more potential policyholders including getting more policies. Thus the overall effect can only be good for the agents, the company and the industry.
    Now, the policyholders dislike the new CEO because they feel that he is not looking after their interests with his extravagance spending and unreasonable and unilateral cutting of bonuses. These coupled with his inherent snobbishness and arrogance towards the policyholders will eventually lead to less and less business for Income. His agents liked him because they can now hold meetings in stylish settings and indulge in rich takings, both literally and figuratively. But what the agents do not realise is that when enough policyholders are fed up of Income, the agents, and the company will eventually suffer. This will take some years to surface as the simmering emotions takes time to fester before explosive action results. Adrian, you should plan for your future before the explosive action results. Do not follow losers, follow the winner.

  5. Adrain, if you are sacked tomorrow, let us see whether you are emotional. You might do things even worse than us.
    Our policies kept for years suddenly face uncertainty and higher risk. That wasn't what we bought in the first place.. You keep telling that we get better return but when? 30 years later? You know the unit trust sellers also say that if you keep 30 years your return can be 10%. Adrain, can we get 10% return from our policies? Guarantee us?

  6. Adrian

    If policyholders are unhappy with the policies returns, it is their choice to stop the policies and get whatever that is left and put it to better use.

    Even without Mr. Tan's blog comments, policyholders will still do what is best for themselves.

    Therefore it is incorrect to shift the blame to Mr. Tan's blog and say that the comments are emotional and negative. Are you treating readers like children who can't make their own decisions?

    There are many options available today for policyholders to decide what is best for them and their needs.

  7. I am not familiar how a participative life fund is managed but I feel that to be equitable to all policyholders, the revised bonus structure should apply only to new policies taken from 2008 onwards, as the premium collected from these new policies can be placed in a seperate pot of funds to be managed under the "high-risk-high-return" investment approach.

    Preferably policyholders who bought policies in 2007 and earlier can be given the option to switch over to new bonus structure (but this could cause some once-off administrative complexities and expenses)

    New potential customers can also judge whether they comfortable to new bonus structure and vote with their dollars.

    This could avoid using the good portfolio of investments amassed from the past and mix with investments done in the new approach.

    Policyholders should be given a choice, as life insurance is a very long term financial commitment.

    We are equivalent to giving insurance companies low cost "deposits" with very long maturity dates, so that they can invest long term and ride out short term market volatilities.

    Maybe regulators should take into consideration of this and afford insurance companies the investment flexibilities in their asset allocation to invest in the long term.
