Saturday, April 26, 2008

Calpers earned 19.1% return

Source: Bloomberg

California Public Employee Retirement Scheme (Calpers) earned a 19.1 percent return for the year ended June 30, 2007, according to its most recent annual report, compared with a gain of 18.4 percent on the Standard & Poor's 500 Index of stocks.

The fund had about 60 percent of its portfolio invested in public equity, about 24 percent in bonds and other fixed income, 8 percent in real estate, 6.7 percent in private equity and 1.4 percent in cash equivalents, the report said.


  1. Anyone can enlighten what is our CPF's return on investment? Is it published anywhere? This is so that we can compare it with the 2.5and 4 % (and the 1% extra for 1st $60k)that they pay us for our money locked long term (and longer with CPF Life) in the fund.

  2. Calpers is different from CPF.

    CPF is used for housing, education, retirement and many other things.

    Therefore it is not possible to compare Calpers with CPF.

    If CPF is restricted to retirement only, perhaps it can also generate a similar return.
