Sunday, April 06, 2008

Customer Service in Singapore

Customer service level in Singapore is getting worse than expected. When you stand in front of the shopping centers customer service staff, they can just ignore you and act busy or chatting among themselves.

Hopefuly, every shopping centers management can really put in some effort to promote "Service with a good manners".

It is extremely impolite for customer service staff to chat among themselves, instead of serving a customer. This bad habit seems to be a Singapore culture. I hope that this weakness can be removed.


  1. Maybe the problem lies with the low pay and hence motivation of sales and service staff. And difficult to recruit such staff, so they take in anyone willing to to fill up the position and hence end up with this type of problem.
    But also I think Singaporeans in general are not too well mannered and also self centred and too motivated by money to do things properly. Maybe influenced by the govt. Most people work not for the passion or interest first but for the money.

  2. In Feb 2008, I visited Pattaya Beach (Thailand). I want to buy 3 designer T-shirt from a store. I stand infront of the sales person for quite some time. He does not care at all. Instead, he entertain an "AngMO" who is a late comer! Probably, I look like local Thais. Sales person at Pattaya and Hayai are not interested with local resident. One exception is hotel staff. They know I am a tourist by my passport. They treat me differently.

    In 2003, I did my postgradute study at Beijing U. My classmate, a researcher from other province, told me he hates sales person in Beijing. They did not respect "kampong man" from any other province.

    What is the reality of customer service?

  3. NTuc Income has gone to the dogs. With the new management don't expect any thing good except incomveniences.
    The agents are getting out of hand too committing all kind of malpractices and mis selling. the management don't care. They want only sales. The public will suffer.

  4. I agree with anon 12.22 that the new management has brought the name of NTUC Income down. It is indeed a shame. This happens when you get a salesman to be the captain!
