Thursday, April 17, 2008

Lawyer acting on third party claim

Dear Mr. Tan

I read with interest on the post below on your blog:

Recently, my parents also met with the same situation as the person who made the comment in this post. i.e. engage a lawyer.

Is there really nothing much we could do about it, besides waiting for the government to take action? Your blog has been very informative.

If you get a letter from a lawyer acting for the other party, you can send it to your insurance company to handle the third party claim.

If you feel that the system is unsatisfactory, you should write to the consumer association or the media. If more people write about it, the Government may act to reduce the wasteful legal cost in handling third party claims.


  1. There are opportunists out there who like to meet a car accident so that they can claim an exorbitant compensations; like the lady who asked for #18,000 claims or taxi-drivers who claim loss of work due to accidents. Unless, insurance companies are willing to go miles to investigate the cases, they will the ones that encourage some aggresive drivers to take advantage of the situations and thus, the meek are the ones that suffer in silence.

  2. Dear Mr Tan
    Would you allow us to use your web to list the insurance companies and lawyer firms that comply to such practices. I would like to provide their names so that those who surf your popular website could take note of them.
    Aviva insurance company
    Lie Kee Pong Partnership (Advocates & Solicitors)
