Thursday, April 17, 2008

Not able to offer the Rider

Hi Kin Lian,
Having dealt with and experienced your customer- centric approach, it’s with disappointment that you are no longer helming Income.It’s a real great loss to NTUC policy holders and NTUC.

I am hitting a brick wall with NTUC.I have a question and would appreciate your advice. I was trying to apply for a rider for my NTUC hospital insurance policy transferred from CPF Medishield plus.

I had an angioplasty some 18 years ago. My cardiologist offered his professional assessment that as the angio was done a long time ago, the condition has stabilized and there are no symptom suggesting a recurrence.

NTUC rejected rider outright. I even sugested to NTUC if they are concerned about heart disease I am open for a rider that limits heart disease to existing plan. My sense NTUC just taking an easy way out to blanket reject all prior conditions without any interest to study each case professionally.

Its simpler to advise anyone with prior conditions not to apply.Appreciate your suggestions how best to move forward.

You are already covered under the main Shield plan. There is no need for you to take the rider (to cover the Deductible). If you need to be bospitalised, you can pay the deductible from your Medisave account. The larger bills can be paid by the main Shield plan.

There is no point to buy the Rider, if NTUC Income is not keen to offer it to you. All the best.


  1. Remember that this is a catastrophic plan. It aims to take care of the big bills and not the small ones like deductibles and coinsurance. Don't buy the rider. Be self insured.
    The attitude of the new management has changed. No point bashing your head against the wall. It is not a caring and so called social enterprise the company likes to tell us.It is cooperative without the cooperative values.The company expects us to be cooperative with them from now.Wait till you hear more about it. They used to tell you about 98% distributed to you. This was in MR. TKL's time. Now it is TKK or wait long long. You will be asked to be cooperative becuase it is holding back the distribution of the 98% till maturity or after 25 years. Meantime you will expect your bonus to be paltry and to wait long long before ntuc distributes to you your bonus.
    Wait for Mr. Tan's new company. We support him and his products.

  2. The new CEO is not interested in any policy holders until the issue surface in the press. He has now surreptiously implemented the choke hold so he can continue to treat policy holders shabbily. This include withholding the bonuses due to policyholders till maturity of policy. This way, you can complain till the cow comes home and he can still ignore you as you will lose out if you surrender and he wins when you don't. We trusted Mr Tan KL and bought our policies, now we are caught between the devil and the deep blue sea.

  3. If you follow Mr. Tan's recommendation of not getting the rider, it's a blessing in disguise for you that NTUC Income reject you outright, all the better for it.

    If NTUC Income is keen to offer you, then it IS a problem as there is no need to get the rider to cover the deductible.

    Perhaps the new management is really helping you with the better way: you don't need the rider - as Mr. Tan has mentioned and you can always pay from your Medisave or savings. Be self-insured.

    NTUC Income did the right thing in rejecting your case. Now you don't have to waste money on the rider you don't need and can self insure.

  4. The thing about customer service many a times is not just the result of a decision. It is making the customer feel welcomed and valued. It is not about making a customer feel like hitting a brickwall or feel like a digit to be manipulated. Looks like the new management team does not understand what customer service excellence is all about.
