Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Single premium endowment

Hi Mr Tan ,
I have a fixed deposit of 10k which is due soon. Currently, the interest rate is less than 1%. I like to invest this amount in a furnd or unit trust. My risk appetitue is toward low to balanced. I wish to hold it for 5 years or more . I am quite happy to invest in a single premium endowment. I wish to hae this saving for a rainy day and will not need this money at the moment.
Kindly advise.

You can read this FAQ

If you are happy with the return on a single premium endowment (about 3% to 4%), you can go ahead and invest in it. You only need to be clear about what you can get over the period of the policy.

1 comment:

  1. Most people are ignorant. They follow their heart most of the time. Their heart tells them i am risk averse; i am afraid of loss; i fear this and that. I am also greedy when they can give me a lot for little or no risk. I want for free.
    Where did they learn all this? i wonder from insurance agents who are themselves risk averse or ignorant or incompetent?
    Or the insurance agents who look for the easiest and safest way for themselves? so that they won't get sued becuase there is no possibility of loss from endowment? So sorry, you can still be sued for inappropriate advice even there is no loss.
    To get you some where the head is better than the heart because your heart cannot think your head can. Deciding what is best for you comes from the head.And if you have another head in the person of a good and competent adviser where you want to go you will be there.
    Hope this can help you to think.
