Sunday, May 04, 2008

Annual General Meeting of NTUC Income

I was told that the AGM will be held on 30 May. All life policyholders and shareholders of NTUC Income are entitled to attend the AGM. You have to register your interest with the cooperative secretary and get a pass.

I intend to attend the AGM and voice my views. I hope to see other policyholders turn up at the AGM.


  1. We all should attend to show our unity.

  2. They will also be announcing dividends for shareholders. Hope it is not another big cut like the annual bonus. Be prepared and to respond for this too.

  3. They have removed the bonus share (issued every 5 years) and replaced it with 2% cash dividend last year, don't know what else are they going to implement this year, sigh ...

  4. TKL is akin to Mathathir now.

    He better talk sense when he attends the AGM.

    A bitter man with hidden agenda.

  5. How to register ? any number to call or wedsite to login

  6. To the anonymous in 10:26 pm.
    If you think you can talk better sense than TKL, why don't you just voice up at the same time and hear your response from the fellow policyholders and shareholders.
    Then people will know who is talking better sense here you see.
    No point making unconstructive remarks here.

  7. Learn to focus on the future, not the past ... learn to let go

    If it is no longer yours, it is no longer yours. Do not envy others for what they can do. Instead, go forth into the world to do your own part.

    Bitterness is harmful

  8. Anon 9.35 am and 10.26,
    You sound like the bitter one instead. Mr Tan Kin Lian is doing all policyholders a favour by keeping us informed of the latest developments, something one does not find from many organisations or their staff, even much less so from someone of CEO calibre.
    For example, I do not know of their AGM, much less the date, even though I have been a loyal NTUC Income policyholders for the last 20 years with more than 10 policies. So it is with delight that now I know of the date. Thus I have a choice to attend or not. This is my perogative, thus I appreciate the information.
    On the other hand, I have not even received the so called letter sent out to all policyholders, even though I have asked repeatedly for it.
    Who should I appreciate? Mr Tan Kin Lian for informing me for free, even though I have no relationship whatsoever with him or NTUC Income, which I have a 20 year business relationship and which did not even bother to inform me of important changes even when asked? So am I bitter too. I am indignant that NTUC Income service has degenerated so much that even the imperatives are not being done, let alone going the extra mile which is getting more common with enlightened organisations because of their enlightened management.


  9. Thanks for standing up and being on the side of the common people on this issue.

  10. Mr Tan
    Thank you for your OBJECTIVE & INDEPENDENT opinions on the matter of the Bonus Policy change, not just being on the side common people who may collectively be wrong or unable to think for themselves.
    There is certainly no bitterness nor backward thinking in his comments.
    He has certainly
    On the contrary, it is the new management at NTUC Income that is backward in looking to continue or worse, expand the tied agency distribution structure that can only get more expensive over time, what with the 5-star hotel location of its agents townhall meeting, incentive trips, extra commissions, etc.
    I look forward to attending the AGM which I never knew I was entitled to do so in the past.

  11. Do we get to vote FOR/AGAINST management in the upcoming AGM??

  12. Thank you, Mr Tan, for standing up for the policy holders. The press may try to misquote you, some of your previous staff may be changing sides, but you are still doing a very important thing for the masses, that was the original goal of the co-operative - good insurance policies for the masses.
