Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Buy a life annuity

Dear Mr. Tan,

I am 55 year old. Should I put my $100,000 saving in the FD or buy an annuity. Kindly advice me which is investment can give me a higher return.

I suggest that you buy a life annuity. Read this FAQ:

If you are interested, I will ask X to advise you.

1 comment:

  1. Invest in a well diversified portfolio and draw down the amount you need. This will determine the risk and return you can expect. Many will think that this is risky.
    It need not be risky.
    Yes , $100K in annuity will last you a life time. What is your lifetime? But annuity gives little for $100K; $500 per month? Your capital is destroyed along the way. What about $6000 per year or $500 per month without capital destruction, your capital is intact or more or less.. Possible? yes. Look for a retirement planner or an investment adviser. Please don't use an insurance salesman.
