Thursday, May 15, 2008

Collective Protest - Update 15 May

I have just returned from a 4 day business trip to Jakarta. After clearing my stack of incoming mail, I have now obtained a total of 210 signatures for the Collective Protest. It is quite tedious work as many of the forms contain only 1 or 2 signatures.

There are many individual messages of support from policyholders. I apologise for not being able to reply to you individually.

Some of the sigantures are now being sent by pdf to me at A few forms contained many signatures (which is what I need most!)

I hope that those who have responded earlier to me, can help to get more signatures from your family, friends and colleagues. You can scan and send by e-mail to me. I need your help to achieve the target of 1,000 signatures by 25 May (which is just 10 days away).


  1. Target for 1000 signatures plus current 210 signatures means a shortfall of 790! Mr Tan, would it be better for an online petition instead?

  2. This is a matter the public knows how to discern.

    Is such a class action necessary?

    Will it be good to talk to Lim Swee Say or NTUC on this matter than class action like this?

    With so few signatures out of 300,000 affected, it is quite obvious that the public understands the issue.

    Is it worth the while to fight on? Or just bring up at the AGM and let the board answer.

    This class action may turn against the good intention.

  3. to raymond t:
    can you help him then.

  4. I would if I could. Unfortunately I am not a technical person. I only know it could be done. Maybe some IT or techie folks can assist Mr Tan? I think his former staff manning the NTUC website should be able to.
