Friday, May 16, 2008

Collective Protest - Update 16 May

I received 54 signatures today, giving the cumulative total of 270 signatures. I am heartened that the forms contained more signatures. One policyholder collected 7 signatures on the same form, from several families.

Someone sent an e-mail to me yesterday, volunteering to collect signatures at MRT stations over the next two weekends. I advised him that this is not necessary. He should not collect signatures from strangers. I do not want to be accused of creating public disorder.

He was quite worried that I may fail to collect 1,000 signatures, as Singaporeans tend to be self centered. I asked him not to worry.

I have asked many policyholders, including those who submitted the signatures earlier, to get more signatures from their friends and colleagues. If we work together, we can achieve this target. You can also scan the signature form and send to me at

1 comment:

  1. Mr Tan, would it be better to have your Collective Protest letter attached as a sticky? Maybe at the beginning of your blog, somewhere prominent. This is because later folks who come into your blog to read may not know where to find your earlier postings not understand the gist or essence of the protest.

    And of course there are your usual procastinators (including myself)... who will send in at the last minute. Heh heh... :*
