Thursday, May 08, 2008

Delay in notifying affected policyholders

Dear Mr Tan,
I believe I am also one of those affected by Income's recent changes. Thank you for highlighting to lay persons like us what are the potential consequences.

I would like to comment that Income should make it a point to inform every affected policyholder directly and promptly. I only learned of it because I follow your blog often and have read about it in the press. And just a short while ago, I saw Income's letter at its website. Why is it so difficult to send out the letters as soon as possible? Will we get it in time for the AGM?

Perhaps you can raise this point directly with NTUC Income. You can write to the CEO or the chairman of the board.

I suspect that NTUC Income wants to spread out the despatch of the letters, so that they can handle the enquiries.


  1. Dear Mr Tan,

    The CEO doesnt reply to us policyholders at all. He doesnt even acknowledge our emails.

    I've sent him several emails previously. But none were replied.

  2. I was a staff. I remembered shortly after Tan Suee Chieh assumed the CEO position, he sent an email to all staff & agents, telling all of us that we are not supposed to give out his email address to any policyholders or public who ask for it.

    From the moment on, i have no respect for this man. Not only does he not respond to emails from policyholders, he has the cheek to tell us not to reveal his email to anyone.

    Anyway, who cares. I still give out his email to several policyholders who asked for it.

  3. Please write to the Chairman and cc NTUC Secretary-General.

  4. My God! My suspicion that my previous emails to him were intercepted is afterall true. This guy really doesn't deserve any respect from anybody. He seems to have forgotten that he would not be where he is if not for the policy holders. This is disheartening!
