Saturday, May 31, 2008

Management expenses

Dear Mr. Tan,
I want to support your protest against the NTUC bonus cut. The bonus cut is just benefit of the manager only, because the take all the expenses first, spend all first, then only give us back a some small portion.

Thank you for your effort. I don't think you are take credit, like others say. I think you are doing a good thing to us.


I have decided to call off the Collective Protest. I will continue to monitor the developments and make sure that the interest of the policyholders are protected. Let us leave it to the board to monitor the management expenses.

1 comment:

  1. NTUC is NOT a social enterprise anymore. Look at the products, the way it is spending the money, the way the agents are selling and now the restructuring. Any body without rocket science knowledge can see that there is a personal agenda for personal glory and where NTUC is headed. The board should review frequently whether it is deviating instead of just getting assurance. If it is done this way it is bad governance. The word 'Assurance' has been tossed around from one to another and to the policyholders and the word is cheap.. Don't be naive. Look at the companies around
    you and you will soon see ntuc as ending up as one of the companies.
