Monday, May 05, 2008

Personal attack

I have to block a comment which make reference to a "comeback kid". This is personal and unnecessary. In other respects, the comment is well written. Please avoid being personal, and present the facts fairly.


  1. I blocked a few postings that refer to "sob" and also give a bad description to insurance agents.

    Please stop these name calling. Be courteous.

  2. Maybe we can use out of touch kid to describe someone who was lost for 10 years and beleiving the world is till the same the day he left behind.The products tell, the selling method tells, management style tells. The outside may look new but it is still the old obsolete stuff. So don't be fooled

  3. I have received a few unnecessary, personal attacks against me. I allowed them to pass through, so that my blog visitors are aware about these attacks.

    You can judge if they are fair or malicious.

    I continue block personal attacks against specific people or agents in NTUC Income. I do not wish to be subject of slander suits.

  4. mr Tan do not deserve naming calling like SOB. His ans to those provocateurs are gentlmenly.I support him that Income shud reinstate the old structure of bonus, and i wish to attend the AGM to show my support.

  5. Mr Tan, you started this attack on yourself, but attacking an innocent issue and blowing it out of proportion

    Do not blame others. Instead, look within yourself to find out why this is happening.

    This is what you have taught us for many years ...


  6. How can you regard this issue as an innocent issue? Don't you know that it has blown out into this proportion because your boss has procrastinated and ignored our petition? It affects majority of singaporeans who have policies with NTUC Income. May I put forward a question to you: Could your management stop all premiums deduction this year before this issue is settled? Reimburse those who wish to terminate their policies taken early this year because they were not told of the change? I have to act fast because my premiums are due and I will be that loser as you said.

  7. Sorry, sb. I can't wait for your reply. I am going to the banks to stop my giro deductions until I can resolve this innocent issue. I will give you further notice. That's why I said: "Customer is always right." Right is Might! or 'Might is Right" Take your time to ponder.

  8. sob or sb , they are the same person.
    Only you are concerned becuase your commissions will soon evaporate.Well, get your new boss to compensate you.
