Saturday, May 10, 2008

Posting in this blog

Someone made a posting in Online Citizen that this blog contains one sided views. I hope that it can contain a balance of views.

I welcome anyone with a different view to send it to me. I shall post their view, so long as it is expressed fairly. I will not post any personal attack or slanderous comments. I expect the person to be identified to me, but I will use a pseudonym (if they prefer).

I will give the right of reply to any person who feel that any posting in this blog give an unfair, incomplete or wrong presentation of their product or organisation.

If am willing to feature your product in this blog, if you can provide the answers to a few key questions that I ask. This will allow me to make an objective analysis.

I hope that my blog will attract a large number of people who find the views posted here to be useful and educational.


  1. Well, the fact that you are 'recommending' products from certain group of companies (a harsh phrase, I must have looked foolish here so), could essentially give an impression this blog is a one-side view.

    What you should actually infact improve your blog by posting different views (must be logical and sound) about the matter and giving fact with/without your own 'opinions' (specifically only 'opinions' nothing more, nothing less) and advising only when people need 'advises' about a certain matter.

    - I must sound naively so~

  2. I think it is perfectly OK for Mr Tan to recommend a product, and as far as I can see - he back it up with good reasons. This is a free service you almost cannot find any where else. I cannot detect any ulterior or profitable agenda on his part. He is about the only person in Singapore providing such services through his blog and at no cost to the readers, he also risk offending the authorities, the big corporations and other vested interests who although they must have monitored his blog closely, choose not to exercise their rights of reply and by keeping quiet, it add more credibility to Mr Tan comments and his postings. What more can you ask.
