Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Views from the management of NTUC Income

Some of the anonymous postings in my blog are clearly views from the management of NTUC Income.

I invite the management, or their representative, to send their views to my blog with their names. I shall be happy to give them their coverage, similar to letters in the newspaper.

In their anonymous replies, they often put words into my mouth. For example,"Mr. Tan, I am sure that if you are still the CEO of NTUC Income, you would have done the same thing". Let me speak for myself. Do not push your views on me.

I ask these commentators to act honourably and avoid attacking my character, with unstantiated statements, under the cloak of anonymity. I have allowed some of these attacks to be posted, so that other people are aware about what is going on.

If anyone has a point that you want my answer, you can send an e-mail to me. I will reply to it, and post it into my blog.


  1. I'm an ex-NTUC Income staff under Mr. Tan Kin Lian's tenure as CEO. I've worked under him through the saga of 2001/2 crash resulting in the Technology Fund ILP losing horrifyingly substantial capitalisation, and the subsequent general stock market depreciation resulting in life policy bonus cuts (if I recall correctly) by practically all life insurers underwriting traditional life policies.

    In my humble opinion, I'd be sure that he'd wouldn't have done the same if he's still CEO. Not with the 2006/07 bumper harvest of investment gains.

  2. If this true, it is shocking.

    But would the new Management stoop so low or is this paranoia ?

    Maybe the views expressed are not the official veiws of the new Management
