Thursday, June 12, 2008

Civil servants and part time jobs

I read a news report that the Malaysian Government now officially allows its civil servants to do part time work to earn a supplemental income to meet the rising cost of living.

There is a risk that the civil servant may abuse their official position for personal advantage. I wonder how they will manage this risk?

But the underlying problem is the need to give higher wages, at a time when the Malaysian Government face a budget constraint.

What is the solution? Can the free market capitalist system find a solution? Financial speculation, which is a key part of this system, appears to be the major source of the problem.


  1. Before sub-prime crisis, last FED Chairman acknowledged he know the problem in a CNN TV interview. He keep silence when CNN interviewer ask him why no action is taken.

    Look, Financial Regulator is not interested in global welfare.Doctor's duty is no more healing. The capitlism game is on and life is suffering.

    Who may solve the problem? Philosopher King!
    Next, don't buy American textbook.
    Buy ancient East Asia & ancient India philosophy as well as ancient Arab civilization.

  2. Wonder what kind of jobs the authority would specify for the civil servants to work a second job? Do they have to work in the evenings or off-days, after main job? Any conflict of interests?
    If I am not wrong, sometimes the civil servant locally can also ask for permission to work in second job, probably at a norminal sum and in good cause like education.

  3. Dear Guys,

    My personal impression of the Malaysia Govt is that they talk first without thinking through the issues. After the talk and the look very grand and problems and issues start to crop out, then they think of how to handle those issues and problems.

    For example they talk: " We will abide the ruling of the world court on the issue of "Pulau Batu Puteh". When the court awarded them two rocks and pulau batu puteh to Singapore, they began to think. Ah! we are looking for a docunment that says the island belongs to us. And one of the Sultan says: The island belongs to us. We will get it back.

    There are many such examples. It is becoming a habit already.
