Thursday, June 26, 2008

Encourage more people to take public transport

Forum Page
Straits Times

During the past year, I take the MRT train regularly to visit most places in Singapore. I find the train to be more convenient that driving a car. I avoid paying high ERP and parking charges and driving in congested roads.

I wish to give the following suggestions to make it more convenient for commuters to take the MRT train:

1. Have a digital display above each door of the train to announce the previous, current and next train station as the train moves along the journey. The names of the stations can be displayed in English and Chinese. This system is used in the Taipei system and is helpful for passengers.

2. Have a green light at each door, to indicate the left or right door that will open at the next station. This system is adopted in Hong Kong.

3. Mark the space near the door with a yellow box. Passengers standing in this box should make way for disembarking passengers.

4. Display a map prominently at the exit of the MRT station, showing all buildings and bus services serving each bus stop within 2 kilometers of the station. This will make it easy for a commuter to take a connecting bus to their final destination.

5. Allow independent operators to use a light bus to run a feeder service to serve the catchment around each MRT station. This service can be operated at a low cost, with a short waiting time.

The first four suggestions are low cost and easy to implement. It will make it more convenient and enjoyable for commuters to take public transport, instead of driving a car.

Tan Kin Lian


  1. Dear mr Tan - you have given so much practical suggestion for improvement for our public transport such as for MRT, taxi etc - I presume you have also been in direct contact with the concerned parties, do they respond at all or accept any of your suggestions? Are they allowed to read your posting or allowed to reply? I Think in fact, the authorities concerned should make it a point to browse through your blog and other websites which are frequently suggesting improvement. They should actively encouraged those citizens who so freely give out ideas for improvement without any charges or selfish intention. Perhaps I am too naive to think in such way.

  2. I use the MRT to and fro my office. In the morning I have to wait about 10 mins for the feeder to carry me to the MRT. I have to walk about 1/2km to the bus stop. Since it is rush hour in the morning, the MRT is very crowded and I have to stand all the from Lakeside to City Hall. From City Hall I have to walk about 1 km to my office in Suntec City. After office hr I have to back to City Hall for about 1km, board a crowded train and stand all the way to Lakeside. In the evening bus 98 is normally 1/2-1 hr before it arrives Lakeside station. If it rain the delay is worst and I get all soak wet like hell.

    In view of the above, what convenient is that.

    Now I decided to drive, pay some for convenient and alway reach office on time and back home an 1 hour earlier from office. I have knee problem (arthritis) and standing in the train is a painful experience.

    In view of the above what is the extra payment for extra convenient and no pain.

  3. 1. Display announcing next station: used to be done, suspect it was removed because it interfered with the on-going advertisements.

    3. Already exist at some stations. Useless.

    It's too late to do anything about it, but it is possible to overcome this through design of the station.

    One side should be for entry and the other side exit. The exit side can only go out of the station -- no one can enter from that side.

    4. Already exist. (Bus stops, maybe not.)

  4. Dear Monsoon,

    I have given a lot of suggestions to different levels of the Land Transport Authority and Minister for Transport.

    Are they listening?

    Read my article on "Suggestions are not welcomed".

    Often, I do not get any reply. This is our Singapore.

  5. Once I informed the passenger service counter staff a cabin is dirty.

    I try to look around for cabin number but fail to see any.

    The staff ask me which cabin?

    In case of emergency. Cabin number will be useful.
