Saturday, June 21, 2008

Offensive Postings

There are a few postings from zhummmeng that are offensive to insurance agents and to NTUC Income. I am not able to edit the views to remove the offensive words, so I have to block the entire posting.

I have also blocked a posting by vfocus that attacked me personally. If vfocus (who is probably an agent or manager for Income) uses his real identity, I will be happy to post his comments and give a reply. It is not ethical for a person to attack another person under the cloak of anonymity.

Adrian Khiat expresses some views which disagree with my views. He uses his real name and does not have to attack me personally. I respect Adrian Khiat and allows his views to be posted.


  1. Dear Mr Tan, sorry if my posting seem to attack you, but i just want to clear the issue of the statement you said about me of " taking consumer for a rider".

    I did mention that as a consumer, if the insurance company can provide me the projected maturity return at the end, I will be happy. (higher return seem like a dream, lower return i will not trust that company anymore).

    I do not support the insurance companies but accept that it thing we can't change.

    I never bought growth plan from ntuc income before, therefore want to find out whether did you previously as CEO of ntuc provide consumer higher than the projected return. (i know you gave good return for regular endowment)

    finally, i'm not an agent or manager from income, but ex-agent from your competitor.

  2. I didn't know exposing the company and it agents' dubious activities is considered personal attacking.
    If I don't, how can I educate the readers.
    Readers don't know much about insurance and investment and this is a stark truth. If we don't protect them from the sharks and buayas out there they will at their mercy.
    When I criticised NTUC agents for what they are doing , how do they do;who they are; I don't expect that the public to swallow them without verifying.These are fair comments intended to create awareness so that the public can avoid this kind of salesmen who are not competent and honest.
    I am not anti ntuc agents. I am against any insurance agents and salesmen who are only interested to shortchange the consumers for their own interest, just like the example about ntuc agents trying to sell revosave to pay for vivolife together as one deal. This is unethical if not cheating. Cheating if the customers are in no position to understand the arrangement and the result has no reasonable enhancement in benefits.The consumers must be alerted to this in case they become unknowing victims. You can verify my allegation by visiting a ntuc roadshow or exhibition.The booth tells you that there is no intention to help you with your needs but selling you something or as long as something is sold.
    In US and UK this kind of stuff is BANNED.The public must not be harassed.
    I hope my posts can be better understood . Yes, my posts are hard hitting. I don't mince my words. These unethical and unscrupulous agents are better eliminated before they become the scourge of society.

  3. You may want to show some examples and say why they are inappropriate.

    I feel that if a person is willing to write harshly even though he is identified (esp if he has a blog too), it may be worth reading.

  4. Guys,

    Let's not hurt each other. Let's put our mind together and focus on one common enemy "participating policies" sold by insurers. Many people including myself have been taken for ride by these policies.

    I bought a participating policies from an insurer about 20 years ago and they told that my surrender value is less than 1% in yield while their participating fund is earning about 8% pa average for the past 10 years.

    THis is our ENEMY. Let get together and find ways to advise people to refrain from purchasing participating policies from any insurers.

  5. Thanks Mr Tan,

    I do disagree with some of your points but I have to admit I agree with most.

  6. Fight the enemy by all means and with credibility and not using words degrading one's up bringing.

  7. Thomas, you are back!
    Words are all we have now. Our upbringing is fixed and cannot be degraded. We are who we are. We cannot change what has happened. Let's move on?

  8. Thomas who? , working under cover taking snooping shot at us?. Is that all you can say ? Oh come on, come out and have fun and show yourself. Tell us your views about the stupid whole life and endowment plans and why they are the worse plans to use for protection and saving.
