Thursday, June 05, 2008

Restore the Annual Bonus


I note this part from the Income's Chairman's speech:"Should the special bonus in future reduce due to adverse financial conditions, we are committed to restoring it when conditions improve."

That is good to know. But if that is the policy, why not do it for the annual bonus? It was cut in 2003 because of adverse financial circumstances. Since then, the company has done well, with returns averaging 7.8 per cent over the last 10 years.

So, why not put those words into practice: "...we are committed to restoring it when conditions improve."Conditions have improved. Where is the restored bonus?

Larry Haverkamp


  1. Walk the Talk! Walk the Talk! :)

  2. They practise a selective (only apply to special bonus) restoration policy. Just like selective upgrading of estates (PAP priority), ERP (selective roads), sky high salary increase (selective people), National Service (only for Male Singaporeans), etc. You can add more. Though seem inconsistent but with a "good" reason. They may tell you what is "good" but most times you have to draw your own conclusion.
