Sunday, June 01, 2008

Restructuring of EV series

Dear Mr. Tan
I have just voted in your Poll that I disagree with your decision to call off the Collective Protest. I attended the annual general meeting and heard your question about the EV series, introduced recently, where the bonus has not been restructured.

Is it fair to restructure the bonus for the old series and expose the policyholders to the uncertainty, and at the same time sell new policies (i.e. EV series) on the unrestrucutred bonus? If the restructured bonus is good for the future, why is it not applied to the EV series? (Remainder of statement deleted)

I urge you to continue to lodge the Collective Protest.

I have followed up on this matter after the annual general meeting with Mr. Matthias Yao. Let us wait for his reply.

There are three products under the EV series. One has been restructured. Maybe, the other two products will be restructured next year (just my guess).


  1. When you say they have 2 plans left to restructure, do you mean they are going to restructure that? Can't they make up their mind when they launch a product? Where is the confidence if they are fickle minded?

  2. there are 3 products in the EV series

    a. LPLP (Limited Premium Living Policy 2007, Vivolife 2008)
    b. PayMyUni (Regular premium endowment)
    c. Revosave (Anticipated endowment)

    the benefit illustration for vivolife, paymyuni and revosave contains section on the terminal bonus rates.

    so my guess is the Limited Premium Living Policy purchased in 2007 are affected by the changed.

  3. I actually cannot comprehend why there are still new policies which will not be affected by the new bonus structure. Isn't the new bonus structure better for policyholders as Income has claimed?

  4. Doesn't pay to be loyal I say.
