Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Waiting for Permission

Four young men - American, French, Indonesian and Singaporean were shipwrecked on an island. The local girls were friendly.

After a while, the American, French and Indonesian found their partners. The Singaporean was waiting for permission from his boss back in Singapore.


  1. Dear Kin Lian,

    You really have a fine sense of humour.

    I guess the Singapore guy has this dilemma. If he initiate without his boss approval, he be fired. If he don't initiate, he miss an opportunity to meet a lovely local girl. The Singaporean may have problem taking risk.

  2. A better one but showcasing the Singapore's Guy rationality in decision making.

    On a joint naval exercise, President of US (Bushy), PM of Japan(Jappy), PM of Singapore(AhLee) met on board the RSS Courageous.

    They were commenting on how their soldiers were the best. So they agreed to put the statement to a test by asking each country's soldier to dive into a shark infested water and bring one shark back onboard.

    Bushy ordered the Marine down. After evaluating the situation, the marine took the needed equipment to protect himself and minimize his risk and dive in and successfully came back with a few bruises and a SHARK. Bushy happily exclaimed, "Look wat we have here! A Smart Soldier!"

    Not to be outdone, JAPPY commanded his Kamikaze down. Kamikaze without even accessing the situation, jump into the sea with only a knife and came up with a SHARK but bleeding badly. Jappy was escalated and said, "This is what soldiers are make of! Guts!"

    Feeling a little bit worried, AhLee asked his general for any soldier and the general selected AhBeng. On hearing the order to jump, Ah Beng looked into the ocean and on seeing so many sharks, was flabberghasted! ... Ah Beng turned to AHLee and said, "You Siao Ah! So many sharks and you asked me to jump in. You Jump then i jump lah!"...

    Oh hearing that, all 3 PMs looked at each other and an awkard silence falls onto the ship... Finally AHLee Broke the silence and beaming proudly said... "Now, this is our soldier! SMART Thinking and Got GUTS !"
