Thursday, July 24, 2008


Cheating is an act of lying, deception, fraud, trickery, imposture, or imposition. Cheating characteristically is employed to create an unfair advantage, usually in one's own interest, and often at the expense of others. Cheating implies the breaking of rules. The term "cheating" is less applicable to the breaking of laws, as illegal activities are referred to by specific legal terminology such as fraud or corruption.


  1. Who in this world has the gut to say that he/she has never cheated during his/her lifetime?

    All of us cheated in one way or another. Those who were caught they are called cheaters. Those who were not caught yet, also called those who were caught cheaters.

    Let not be a hypocrite here. I have cheated during my lifetime and in most cases I was not caught.

    What the big deal? Priests, Monks, political leaders, ministers, CEOs, and what have you cheated like hell. Some were caught some not.

  2. Get a lawyer to sue these fraudsters!

    Come to think of it... I have a lawyer joke coming right up! :)


    A Jew, a Hindu, and a lawyer were traveling from Chicago to Los
    Angeles when their car broke down late one night in Kansas. They
    walked to the nearest farm house and explained their situation to the
    farmer who answered the door.

    "Ya'll be welcome to spend the night here if you want", the farmer
    said. "The only problem is I only have room for two. One of you will
    have to sleep in the barn."

    "I will," exclaimed the Jew, and with that the men went to retire. A
    short time later came a knock at the door. It was the Jew.

    "I'm sorry", the Jew said, "but I can't sleep in the barn. There's a
    pig in there, and my religion forbids me to sleep in the same room as a pig."

    "Then I will go sleep in the barn" exclaimed the Hindu, and once more
    the men went to retire. Soon there came another knock at the door. It
    was the Hindu.

    "I am very sorry", the Hindu said, "but I cannot sleep in the barn
    either. There is a cow in there, and my religion forbids me to sleep
    in the same room as a cow."

    "Oh, for gosh sakes!", the lawyer cried. I'll go sleep in the damn
    barn!" and once again the men went to retire.

    A few minutes later there came yet another knock at the door.

    It was the cow and the pig...

  3. The key words are "willful and wileful" in a cheating case.
    Do insurance agents cheat their customers? Answer is yes.
    When selling or pushing a product 1.there is no consideration of customers' needs....willfully shortchanged and cheated
    2.agents only tell the positive aspects of the products and always add lies and manipulate the lies....misrepresent wilefully
    3.Agents suppress truth of the products...willful and wileful non disclosure
    4.agents exploit relationship and use duress or undue influence...wileful manipulation
    These are some examples of willful and wileful "salesmanship" many insurance companies are promoting or closing their eyes to these malpractices and crimes.
