Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Choose a low cost term insurance plan

Dear Mr. Tan,

I wanted to buy a term insurance for my husband who is 42 years old. He is currently covered with $80,000. My agent recommend me the below 2 plans.

1. Term Plan (Up to Age 85)
This term plan covers sum assured $50,000 for an annual premium of $786. There is no cash value for term plan.

2. Whole Life Plan (Ltd-Pay 20 Yrs)
Based on sum assured of $50,000 payable for 20 Yrs, the annual premium is $1,938.

Which is better?

I do not like the two policies recommended for your husband as the premium is rather high. I suggest that you ask for a term insurance plan that expire at ag 60 or 65.
Read this FAQ:


  1. if your husband is SAFRA member,take up one from SAFRA.

    if union member, take up LUV.

    if none, i-term from ntuc income seem quite reasonable price.

    Don't forget to check whether he is cover under DPS.

  2. What about a Universal Life plan? There are some great UL products on the market nowadays.
