Friday, July 25, 2008

4 months to settle a claim

Dear Income

I am delighted to receive the claims discharge voucher and cheque. I am extremely thankful for my resolved dispute, but, regrettedly my problem was only solved after I see the MP and approached Mr Tan Kin Lian. Why can't X solve my problem 4 months ago in a friendly manner? I want to be a kind and friendly person, why must he force me to be a typical complainingly Singaporean?

In April 2008, after calling the hotline, X got back to me and said confidently "I have checked the claims. EVERYTHING IS CORRECT". He probably thought I am a fool and he can bluff me by telling me that. I then sent him all the proofs of my claim dispute, but he played pattern to me for the past 4 months by telling me:

"Still processing"
"Waiting for hospital to resubmit claims"
"still processing"
"still doing"
"Waiting for officer in charge to finalise claims" (i said "huh? i thought u r the officer in charge?")

Recently X told me that the officer in charge is Y, another person. I got her contact and called her, but over the phone she did not know my case. Hence the past 4months basically nothing was done, except X's smoking words. I am very sure X "played pingpong" and push the whole matter to another junior officer after failing to smoke me and shake me away for 4months.

Last week Y promised that she will settle by this week. Indeed she has delivered her promise - I have received the discharge voucher and cheque.

I am sure Y put in lots of hard work to speed up my claims these past week. I sincerely thank her hardwork for expediting my case and solve it up. Now I neither need to go to independent parties nor publicise my dispute.

Y was friendly to hear my problems and ackowledge receipt of my documents sent to her. Unlike X who never email me at all ever since the start of this whole problem. Absolutely nothing!!! Does he knows how to use an email?

But now I am wondering does X ever exist at all or am I dreaming?

With sincere thanks for resolving dispute.



  1. You cannot blame the workers. They have been instructed to be careful. Can't afford to pay claim any how now. It has to be dealt at arm's length. Compassion is not their passion any more. They are cooperatives in name.Social in name too but approach is strictly commercial and purpose is to enhance investors' value...if not how to pay
    the special bonus when due.

  2. This is an easy problem to solve. Just write an email to the CEO of the insurer. It will work. I did it for my client and the claim was paid within 5 days.
