Friday, July 18, 2008

Impact of market drop on long term yield

If you have invested in Singapore or Global equity over the past 10 to 20 years, your average yield (computed up to 2007) would have been 8% to 9% per annum. The stockmarkets had dropped by 25% from its recent peak.

If you allow for this drop, the impact on the average yield would be 1% to 2.5%. The average yield would have dropped to 5.5% to 8% per annum. It is still an attractive yield, compared to other asset classes.

The secret: invest for the long term (10 to 20 years) and select a low cost investment fund (which takes away 1% or less). Better still, find the right time to invest - when the market has dropped 25%. This is a good time. Even if the market drops further, it will recover within the next 6 to 12 months.

1 comment:

  1. Agree that Singapore / world equities have returned relatively good returns over the past 10 years.

    I have done some studies on STI and several stock exchange indices and published them here:-

    (1) STI - Straits Times Index
    Annualized 10-yr returns: 8%
    Annualized 20-yr returns: 5%

    (2) S&P 500 - Standard & Poors 500
    Annualized 10-yr returns: 2%
    Annualized 20-yr returns: 8%
    Annualized 30-yr returns: 9%

    (3) Other stock indices

    The key points are:
    Invest long term + apply asset allocation (diversify through sector/geographical allocation such as core-satellite approach) + "drip in money" along the way to reduce market timing risk.
    Most importantly, discipline by adopting regular savings habit FIRST!
