Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Joke: A keen fisherman

I was watching a funeral the other day and upon the coffin lay a fishing rod, a reel and a fishing basket. I said to the fellow next to me: "He must have been a very keen fisherman?"

The man turned to me and said: "He still is. He's going straight to a fishing match after they've burried his wife."

1 comment:

  1. How long will love last?

    Five years ago a young man walked along a road with his newly married cute beautiful wife. The wife's toe hit on to a hard stone embedded on the road. The man was furious, " You stupid stone. See what you did to my darling Alice!!!".

    A moment ago the same man walked along the same road with his now fat wife Alice with 5 children along the way. The wife's toe hit again on the same hard stone. The man was furious, "You stupid woman. See what you have done to your shoe!!!!!"
