Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Joke: Telling the truth

The priest told the congregation, "Next week, my sermon will be about truthfulness. When you get home from church, you should read chapter 29 of Leviticus."

The following week, the priest asked, "Can those who have read chapter 29 of Leviticus raise your hands?" Most of the congregation raised their right hands.

The priest said, "Just as I expected. And this is why my sermon is about truthfulness. Leviticus has 27 chapters only!"

I hope that the business world tells the truth to their customers and do not keep changing their stories.


  1. Who can you trust nowadays? Even religious leaders also cheat, lie and fool their customers. We have priest, monk etc The question which religious domination is next.

    So if financial institutions cheat us, it is nothing to be surprised about.

    This is the world the rich and the powerful will take advantage of the poor and the helpless souls.

  2. This sermon should be preached to the insurance agents too. Daily thousands and thousands of insurance agents are telling lies that truth cannot look at lies in the face. It seems lie is more popular and is gaining more clout and usefulness each day.
    This question should be asked of the insurance agents.
    Truth is conscience and conscience is truth.

  3. I think we should start with the management of these insurance companies. There is a saying in chinese which translated means if the management is not straight, the staff will be crooked.

  4. Truth cannot sell only lies can. Selling life insurance is about giving a little bit of truth and and the rest lies, isn't?
    Ironically, consumers find lies more convincing.
    I guess it is the trust they have in the insurance salesmen.
    So you see, trust can be very damaging. No wonder, insurance agents's modus operandi is first to get trust of their clients by giving this and that and appearing sincere and then rob them so that they don't even know it and feel the pain.
