Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Losing faith

Mr Tan,
Recently, I received an open letter from the current NTUC Income CEO Mr Tan Suee Chieh explaining how the restructuring of bonus will "benefit" us. I am particularly disappointed that the letter did not really explain how.
To be honest, I am losing faith in NTUC Income ever since you have retired from the CEO position. Its policies have become less attractive and I am prepared to pull out totally if they continue to be less transparent.
I will be following your blog closely to see how you engage them. Thanks for your effort.


I suggest that you should convey your opinion directly to Tan Suee Chieh and get him to address your concern. It is his duty to address your concern.


  1. You should not trust NTUC and their agents BLINDLY any more. If you are approached by NTUC agents at the roadside stalls ask them IN TERM OF FIGURES the return the protection. Don't let them con you with the rubbish meaningless words. You must NOW BUY FROM NTUC WITH YOUR EYES OPEN.The products are no longer value for money. They are now like the other companies'. They can tell you all sorts of rubbish about special bonus. Ask them, WILL THE CEO AND BOARD BE AROUND IN THE NEXT 20 YEARS TO DELIVER THE ASSURANCE GIVEN AT THE AGM?

  2. Mortality experiences show that longevity appear to improve with time.

    I believe quite a number is likely to be around, but would we have the heartt to take to task feeble and sickly old men with for promises made years ago?

  3. How to convey to a person who neither answers his calls and emails? How to convery to a person who delegates the heat to his subordinates? What is there to convey to a person who has no credibility to act in our interests?

  4. I personally did quite a lot of plans comparison between many insurance companies. Plans from NTUC Income generally gives good value for money compared to their insurance peers.

    I think its not fair to say NTUC Income plans are not competitive just because the new CEO is not popular.

    We have to look into the plan itself to guage the competitiveness of plan and not on the CEO to guage if the plan is good.
