Tuesday, July 22, 2008

More uncertainty with private Shield

Dear Mr. Tan,

I understand from MOH website that "Since 1 July 2005, each of these Medisave-approved plans have been integrated with MediShield to form a single integrated plan."

I bought a private Shield plan in 2002. I think at that time, the insurer will cancel the CPF medishield for me. Since the medisave-approved plan has been integrated with medishield from 1 July 2005, does it mean I am covered under the private Shield while retaining the benefits of MediShield membership? Or only people who signed up after 1 July 2005 for the private shield plan will benefit from the changes on 1 July 2005.

If I am retaining the Medishield membership though I signed for a private shield plan in 2002, does the medical underwriting for this medishield component starts from 2002 after I signed up for the private Shield (which may include exclusions imposed by the private insurer) or does it starts from the first day I had my Medishield which is many years ago before 2002 which has no exclusion?


When you bought the private Shield in 2002, you are subject to the underwriting requirements at that time. If you have any pre-existing conditions that are not disclosed, the insurer is likely to reject your claim. A few people have approaced me on the rejection of this claim under a private Shield plan.

The "integration" exerise is a private arrangement between the insurer and CPF. It does not have any bearing on the contract between you and your Shield insurer, regarding the disclosure and exclusion of pre-existing conditions.

This is my understanding of the likely practice. It is best that you confirm with your insurer on this matter.

I understand that some private Shield policy has a clause that read as follows: "For the avoidance of doubt, any Pre-existing illnesses, Diseases or Impairment that have been covered under Medishield shall continue to be covered under this Policy up to the Medishield policy limit .... etc."

If you have this clause, you will continue to be covered for the conditions previously covered under the Medishield policy.

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