Sunday, July 20, 2008

Unforgettable sight in Beijing

My friend saw an unforgettable sight during his recent visit to Beijing - something that he has not seen before, and will never see again in the future.

He looked up and saw a blue sky. In preparation for the Beijing Olympics which will start soon, the authority has asked the factories to stop or reduce their production within a large part of Beijing. This reduces the pollution and makes the air clean.

He expects that, after the Olympics, things will get back to normal in Beijing - and that is a polluted environment.


  1. Mr Tan, I thought you were going to say something else.

    When I was in BJ early this year, I also saw an unforgettable sight. The people queued neatly in two lines to board their MRT.

    I worked in China a few years ago and the people were always pushing and rushing in, and we Singaporeans always said they were uncivilised. Now, they are doing much better than us. Or perhaps, many of the Chinese have brought the bad behaviour here, while leaving a good impression back at home. I think pride for the Olympics is changing them for the better, nonetheless.

  2. That's the way to go for all govt.

  3. Most of the pushers and rushers are already here on our shores pushing and rushing every morning at our MRT.
