Monday, August 04, 2008

Double coverage under Medishield and private Shield

Dear Mr. Tan

Being a old timer with Income, I know that you are always helping the policy holders with your valuable knowledge. I have a problem now and hope that you could give me your advice.

I switched from CPF MediShield to IncomeShield Plan B in year 2002 with the payment deducted from my MediSave account annually.

In Year 2007 I subscribed to Enhanced IncomeShield Rider on top of the IncomeShield Plan B. The Rider's was cash payment as required. In view of saving the MediSave account fund with better interest rate, I changed the payment mode for my IncomeShield to cash payment as well in September 2007. As I was not free to make payment on the due date and Income had comfirmed via email that the payment due date has 30 days' grace period as usual. Hence, I made the payment about 1 or 2 weeks later.

To my surprise, when I got my CPF Statement of Account, I realised that my MediShield had reactivated with the deduction of MediShield payment from my Medisave account. I queried CPF on this and was told that this is the usual practice that when the payment was not made on the due date for IncomeShield the MediShield would be reactivated.

I wish to have your advice of whether this is double insured and whether there is any benefits of more coverage when I make a claim or this is totally overlapping of the same coverage. I heard that now CPF's MediShield has better coverage than other similar plans, hence I don't know whether I should terminate which one to save my unnecessary additional payment.

Could I appeal to Income for the reimbursement of the IncomeShield payment for not informing me this consequences which result to my additional incurred cost.


You can ask NTUC Income to help you to sort out this problem. You should NOT pay two premiums for the same coverage. NTUC Income should have notified CPF that you are covered under Incomeshield (by cash) and prevent the re-activation of Medishield.

If this is not possible, you should ask NTUC Income to refund your premium for Incomeshield, in full. It is all right to be insured on Medishield only.

All the best.


  1. The best thing to do nowadays is to be on medishield since the govt has no interest to profit from your policy but has every intention to protect its interest of having to pay for your hospitalisation so you can be sure that it is engineered to pay for your hospitalisation in the most cost effective way. Why bother to go into a relationship with an insurer whose sole interest is to profit from you?

  2. why don't you terminate the medishield plan with CPF since u do not want to use your medisave.

    if u think that medishield plan which design for restrutured B2 & C ward is good enough, then terminate the shield plan.

    it very simple issue, either your advisor never advice you properly or you fail in your DIY.
