Saturday, August 30, 2008

Example of low cost investment fund

Hi Mr Tan,
I have been reading your articles and you have been mentioned low cost investment fund, can you state an example of such product on offer currently?

REad this FAQ

I prefer the STI Exchange Traded Fund managed by StateStreet. You can invest in 1000 shares (about $3,000) through the Singapore Exchange SGX.


  1. Many thought STI ETF had hit a low in March 2008. In recent days it went even lower. Maybe it pays to wait to enter given the great uncertainty in the near future.

    Similarly those preference shares (over 5% dividend) issued by the local banks recently one after another and oversubscribed by the retail investors. One even go below par when listed in the market. Maybe it is better to buy in the market rather than through placements or ATMs. Also many ordinary folks seem not to be aware of the risks(illiquid, below par etc). Can't blame them because the safe alternative of FD has pathetic returns so the desperate hunger for higher returns is understandable.

  2. I agree with you especially on the recent many IPOs.

