Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Premium buses

Some people are willing to pay a higher fare to get a better seat in an airplane. They are called first class and business class. We can have the same arrangement for a bus.

Read more about this concept in:


  1. This concept has already been implemented on a limited scale. For instance in my case from A to B, I have a choice of higher fare with almost some express service along the route.It cuts journey time by about 30%. But the problem is the low frequency and hence I may give it a miss to take the alternative and cheaper route when available if I am in a hurry to go to work. If I and others give it a miss, then the bus company may earn less. So from the service and business viewpoint, it may face some problems to implement on a wider scale.

  2. Hi Mr Tan, do you have any comments on the Aussie and Kiwi currency? They are going downhill.


  3. If it is long journey a 'first' class seat may be feasible but not for travel within Singapore.
    It will be more practical if we can have comfortable seats and no standing passengers. The question is how to control the boarding passengers, especailly those who are rushing to somewhere.There will be scramble for limited and empty seats.
    The fare is definitely going to be higher
